Hola a todos.Hoy quiero contarles que hace tiempo descubrí una serie que se llama mia y yo 💟. Esta serie es muy bonita, así que decidí compartir con ustedes este dibujo que hice de la serie.
Hello everyone.today I want to tell you that some time ago I discovered a series called mia and me💟.This series is very nice so I decided to share with you this drawing I made from the series.
Bueno,mia tiene que luchar contra los malos para proteger a los unicornios🦄. En esta serie aparecen:Elfos,faunos y unicornios🦄. Los faunos son criaturas parecidas a cabras. En este mundo todos viven en paz y armonia😀
Well, mia has to fight against the bad guys to protect the unicorns🦄. In this series appear:Elves,fauns and unicorns🦄. Fauns are goat-like creatures. In this world they all live in peace and harmony😀.
El dibujo es creado por mi|The drawing is created by me. fuente| source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxk2pqcmvxU
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<span itemProp="headline name"><em>Dibujo inspirado en una serie | Drawing inspired by a series </em></span> was published on <span itemProp="datePublished" content="2021-06-15T21:21:09Z">15 Jun 2021</span> and last updated on <span itemProp="dateModified" content="2021-06-15T21:27:21Z">15 Jun 2021</span>.
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