My hands execute the art that I first create in my mind and then execute it. I really like to imagine and to shape my ideas.
•A white sheet of paper •Markers
I imagined a different cat, with a spot in the eye, in the shape of a heart, and that I wanted to have a lot of color. They say black cats are bad luck. My cat represents joy in the midst of darkness and misguided beliefs of bad luck, for black cat is just that, a cat.
Without thinking too much I took the markers and began to color and draw without fear of being wrong because in my mind is already the ideal cat.
Can you imagine a cat with these characteristics?
Mis manos ejecutan el arte que primero creo en mi mente y luego lo ejecuto. Me gusta mucho imaginar y dar forma a mis ideas.
Imaginé un gato diferente, con una mancha en el ojo, en forma de corazón, y que quería tener mucho color. Dicen que los gatos negros traen mala suerte. Mi gato representa la alegría en medio de la oscuridad y creencias equivocadas de mala suerte, porque el gato negro es solo eso, un gato.
Sin pensar demasiado tomé los rotuladores y comencé a colorear y dibujar sin temor a equivocarme porque en mi mente ya es el gato ideal.
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<span itemProp="headline name"><em>[Eng-Spa] A good luck black cat </em></span> was published on <span itemProp="datePublished" content="2021-08-17T03:04:42Z">17 Aug 2021</span> and last updated on <span itemProp="dateModified" content="2021-08-17T03:04:42Z">17 Aug 2021</span>.
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